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EDC Minutes 09-25-2013

MADDEN ROOM                                              WEDNESDAY, September 25, 2013
SOUTH WINDSOR TOWN HALL                                                          TIME: 7:30 P.M.

PRESENT: Chairperson Susan Burnham, James Murray, Alternate John Mitchell, Linda Jeski, Alternate Gary Waterhouse, Bill Jodice, Joseph Kennedy and Alternate Paul Burnham  

ABSENT: Louise Neary, Edwina Futtner, Wayne Kilburn and Mark Lillis

ALSO PRESENT: ED Coordinator Shari Fiveash

 1.    Call Meeting to Order: Chairperson Burnham called the meeting to order at 7:32p.m.

 2.    Roll Call: The above-mentioned members were introduced. Alternate Gary Waterhouse sat for Louise Neary, Alternate John Mitchell sat for Edwina Futtner and Alternate Paul Burnham sat for Mark Lillis.

 3.    Public Participation: Developer Phil Tartsinis gave a brief introduction of his development background. Mr. Tartsinis reviewed his new project that will complement an existing plaza by allowing shoppers to patronize adjacent businesses on Sullivan Avenue. The proposed project consists of a conservation easement of 8.94 acres which will be given to the town and added to the Michael Donnoly Land Preserve. The impacts to wetlands have been addressed and retaining walls and guard rails will protect the area. This will add about $20,000 to total cost of the site work. During the 12,600 sq. ft. building constructed in Phase, there won’t be any profit. But once Phase II is developed & tenants are found, the project will produce a profit.
Access to the property will be via a driveway from existing plaza and access will also be made to the new site behind Rockville Bank. Additionally, full access will be available across from Hillside Avenue. There were three conditions placed on the plan: installation of a traffic signal on Sullivan Ave., OSTA has agreed to grant ‘access of convenience’ between the plazas and a bypass lane needs to be created on Sullivan Ave. Sidewalks will be installed on the perimeter of the property but no crosswalks will be installed on Sullivan Ave. due to the volume of traffic. A sidewalk will be installed connecting the two plazas that will be ½ mile long including the intersection between Rockville Bank and Valvoline. A drive through will be available on the smaller building built during Phase I, the cupola will have night lighting and windows in the building will be operational. The second building in Phase I will be identical in design. During Phase II the buildings will be two 2 floors of class ‘A’ office space with fronts identical to Phase I buildings which will unite them visually. Buildings of similar design are located on Hazard Avenue in Enfield and this plaza has endured success through the economic downturn.

 4.     Approval of Minutes

Minutes from Regular Meeting on 7/24/2013: A motion was made by Commissioner Burnham and seconded by Commissioner Jeski to approve the minutes of July 24, 2013 with the following corrections:
Page one, Item 3. Should read:  ‘…center including putting utilities…’
Page two, Item 3. Should read ‘…could be purchased by All Phase.’
Page four, Item 8. Should read ‘…ribbon cutting…’
The minutes were approved by majority, Alternate Mitchell abstained. Motion passed.
  • Old Business:
Chairperson Burnham reported that the 75th Anniversary of the South Windsor Fire Department’s events was well attended and that Maneeley’s served lunch to 4,500 attendees. Commissioner Burnham expressed disappointment that the high school did not participate in the parade. Commissioner Mitchell commented that there was no media coverage of the events of the weekend and that the town missed out on a great marketing opportunity.
Chairperson Burnham let commissioners know that copies of the final POCD are available if anyone would like one.
Chairperson Burnham distributed copies of the 2013 Greater Hartford Visitors Guide and let commissioners know that an updated publication is forthcoming.

 6.    Committee Report

Report from Louise Neary and Sue Burnham - Discover South Windsor: Chairperson Burnham attended the meeting last Thursday at Peter DeMaille’s office. There were 6,500 visits to site last month for a total of 35,000 for the year so far. The bounce rate is very low (the rate at which visitors click on the site and then leave quickly). There are three key sponsors for the site: Rockville Bank, South Windsor Entertainment and Precision Mortgage. The next meeting will be held on Thursday, November 21 @ 11 am at Design Professionals.

 7.    Communications and Remarks

Report from Sue Burnham, Chairperson: The following businesses held ribbon cuttings or grand openings in September:
South Windsor Barber Shop
Vermont Wild Goods
Cross Fit
American Eagle Credit Union
Hartford Hospital Medical Building
Synergy Fitness
Yoga Flow CT will hold their grand opening on October 3rd.

Ms. Fiveash informed commissioners of a new feature on the Chamber’s website ‘Chamber for Good’ which gives ninety non-profits the opportunity list ‘needs’ they have so that the entire community can view it and donate. Residents can sign up to get an email with information of what the non-profits need each week. On Saturday, October 5th at Geissler’s Market there will be a fair from 10am-2pm and each group will have a booth and an opportunity to connect with the community face to face.

The Annual Dinner Meeting and Business Person of the Year event will take place Thursday September 26 and will honor Denise Carter.
The Discover South Windsor Expo will be held Thursday, October 10 at the space formerly occupied by Highland Park in Evergreen Walk from 12-7pm.  

Ms. Fiveash stated that a CT Studios article in the Journal Inquirer earlier in September reported that the town council agreed to lift a reverter clause to eliminate the time frame of development of the twenty three acres. The lift of the reverter clause will occur moments before closing on the property. As yet, a fuel cell energy agreement has not been signed. The change in fuel choice was a decision of the Governor of CT and will be fuel cells.
According to a recent article in the J.I., Cambria Suites at Evergreen Walk will soon be under construction and will include apartments.

Report from Shari Fiveash, Economic Development Coordinator: Ms. Fiveash reported that since January, one hundred businesses have been visited not including those made in September. The visits made by Ms. Fiveash to town businesses provide information on available funding, employment info, small business packages to them. This is meeting the goal of the Chamber by providing information to businesses and the town’s interest in connecting with businesses.
There will be a ground breaking on town land before winter for construction of a privately owned brewery.
Ms. Fiveash will be meeting with Yankee Gas. It is the goal of the Governor to convert 300,000 homes from oil to natural gas.
Along Governor’s Highway, a building is being constructed and will be the future home of Commercial Store Fronts.

 8.    New Business: None.
  • General Discussion
  • South Windsor Marketing Strategies*-Chairperson Burnham and Ms. Fiveash will review this document at the next meeting.
  • Tax Abatement Request – Sullivan Place Centers*-Commissioner Burnham noticed that some of the previous requirements for abatement are no longer taken under consideration such as requiring a certain number/percentage of employees be South Windsor residents. Ms. Fiveash stated that Town Manager Mr. Galligan does take those requirements into consideration although they may not be a focus of the discussion during an approval.
A motion was made by Commissioner Kennedy and seconded by Commissioner Murray to approve the recommendation that the abatement request for Sullivan Place Centers and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.

  • Adjournment: A motion was made by Commissioner Waterhouse and seconded by Commissioner Jeski to adjourn at 8:48p.m. and was unanimously approved. Motion passed.
Respectfully submitted,
Catherine Potter

Approved as amended:  October 16, 2013